Agriculture Sensing & Drone Analysis

Using the latest technology drones and software we provide essential data for the global agricultural industry. Our aim at Gravity is to support sustainable food production by providing analytical drone data to growers, agricultural consultants, Precision AG and farm managers helping them achieve maximum success through improved crop quality and plant growth and development, while saving time and money.

Through regular insight into a visualised, user-friendly, geo-referenced map of a field, we analyse and provide an extensive range of statistics from plant counting, plant health tools and stress detectors that enable precise yield increase and increase of overall profit.

PepsiCo Europe Senior Procurement Director of Agriculture David Wilkinson, recently explains;

“the use of precision agriculture techniques is starting to revolutionize sustainable food production by delivering breakthroughs in efficiently managing natural resources”.

Our role is driving this breakthrough with drone technology, collaboration with our clients, working closely to deliver the most useful data to help them succeed.

Contact us now and let’s discuss how we can support you and your organisation – contact us.